Will Smith is a Hollywood superstar got his start rapping as The Fresh Prince, and now hes become a mega movie star and left the music game occurring to his kids, Willow and Jaden.
But on Thursday night, The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon convinced Smith to remind the world of his mad skills. “You’re a famous rapper, and I’m a classically trained beatboxer, so I want to try something fun with you here,” Fallon told Smith, before pulling out an iPad app that loops vocal tracks.
Smith and Fallon go on to build a song out of layered sounds (don’t
expect the same results at home, kids) and soon Rob Base and DJ E-Z
Rock’s 1998 rap classic “It Takes Two” emerged from the iPad. That’s
when Smith and Fallon took their show over to main stage for the Roots
to take the song from a novelty to a full-on jam.
Smith hasn’t released an album since 2005’s Lost and Found, but seeing him rap again made us hope he would pick up the mic again soon.